Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces to Databases
Over the last few years a number of application systems have been constructed that a l l o w u s e r s to a c c e s s d a t a b a s e s by pos ing q u e s t i o n s in n a t u r a l languages, such as E n g l i s h . When used i n the r e s t r i c t e d domains f o r which they have been e s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d , t h e s e sys tems have ach i eved r e a s o n a b l y h igh l e v e l s of per formance . Such sys tems as LADDER [2] , PLANES [10] , ROBOT [1] , and REL [9] r e q u i r e the encoding of knowledge about the domain of a p p l i c a t i o n in such c o n s t r u c t s as d a t a b a s e schemata , l e x l c o n s , p ragnmt ic grammars, and the l l k e . The c r e a t i o n of t h e s e d a t a s t r u c t u r e s t y p i c a l l y r e q u i r e s c o n s i d e r a b l e e f f o r t on the p a r t of a computer p r o f e s s i o n a l who has had special training in computational l i n g u i s t i c s and the use of databases. Thus, the utility of these systems is severely limited by the high cost involved in developing an interface to any particular database.
منابع مشابه
Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces: Problems and Techniques
I will address the questions posed to the panel from wlthln the context of a project at SRI, TEAM [Grosz, 1982b], that is developing techniques for transportable natural-language interfaces. The goal of transportability is to enable nonspeciallsts to adapt a natural-language processing system for access to an existing conventional database. TEAM is designed to interact with two different kinds ...
متن کاملModern Natural Language Interfaces to Databases: Composing Statistical Parsing with Semantic Tractability
Can we leverage the advances in statistical parsing over the last fifteen years to build more powerful “transportable” Natural Language Interfaces to Databases (NLIs)? To address this question, this paper reports on the PRECISE NLI, which uses a statistical parser as a “plug in”. The paper shows how a strong semantic model enables PRECISE to correct parser errors, and map from parsed questions ...
متن کاملHoracio Rodríguez: A Domain-Restricted Task-Guided Natural Language Interface Generator
Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to the subject of Natural Language Interfaces (NLI, see [4] for a survey on current trends in such technology). Starting with NL access to databases, NLI technology has evolved according to the needs of the different sectors involved. This evolution has followed several lines, improving both the quality and the capabilities of the interface f...
متن کاملTransportability and Generality in a Natural-Language Interface System
This paper describes the design of a transportable natural language (NL) interface to databases and the constraints that transportability places on each component of such a system. By a transportable NL system, we mean an NL processing system that is constructed so that a domain expert (rather than an AI or linguistics expert) can move the system to a new application domain. After discussing th...
متن کاملGeneric Text Processing: A Progress Report
A generic natural language system, without modification, can effectively analyze an arbitrary input at least to the level of word sense tagging. Considerable research has addressed the transportability of natural language systems, but not generic text processing capabilities. For example, previous DARPA-sponsored work [1, 2] produced transportable interfaces to database systems. Each new applic...
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